5 Brands that Rock Instagram

Check out the video version here!


1. Adidas


With a tonne of big-name sports stars affiliated with their brand, Adidas constantly release spine tingling photos and videos. Using inspirational quotes in their content, they leave you passionate about going out and being your best self.

I just can’t get enough of their inspiration.

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2. Benchwarmers


A lovely Irish brand called Benchwarmers mainly targets Irish males all over the globe. Using humour, sports, and funny takes on current affairs, they bring out a good laugh. Benchwarmers also have a lot of interaction with their fans.

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3. GoPro

GoPro logo

GoPro have changed the game in relation to video originality. A camera that inspires people to go out and enjoy life through photos and videos. With so many people now owning GoPro cameras, there are countless beautiful photos out there, taken by this camera. On Instagram, they constantly share fans’ photos of envious areas and luscious landscapes.

Plus, 10.7million followers isn’t too shabby..

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4. Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner

Hold on.. Kylie Jenner? She’s not a brand, is she?

Well, lets think about this. Like most of the Kardashians, Kylie gets paid truck loads of money to promote herself wearing and using big brands. Kylie also has her very own LipKit which sells for a hell of a lot of cash. Through television appearances and an enviable Instagram account she has made herself into a brand that sells, and definitely deserves a mention!

Oh yeah, that’s almost 80million followers.

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5. Corona


Uploading gorgeous photos daily, Corona keep showing you the good times that you can have with their beverage. This is one of the more beautiful Instagram pages I’ve seen. The colour scheme, the models, the scenery, and the bright sun drenched landscapes make the page hard to look away from.

Posting usually just once a day, Corona will never clog your Instagram feed. They will give you just the right amount of paradise, daily.

With 249k followers, its clear they have a strong following.

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Social media Survey!

Video Marketing: 3 Great Irish Examples



Guinness have always been among my favourite advertisers not just because they remind me of the good times sipping away at their beverage, but because their advertising draws you in and evokes feelings you thought you’d buried deep..

“Never Alone”

The video that I’ve shown you is titled “Never Alone” and shows the thoughts and struggles of Gareth Thomas, a Welsh rugby player who hid his sexuality from both the public and his teammates for years. *holds back tears.



The German Giants!


Aldi never fail to amaze me with their localised advertising. They’re a german company but seem so Irish with their advertisements. After the Tesco horse meat scandal, brands are sure to remind you that their beef is 100% Irish, and 100% well.. beef. And when Aldi do advertising, they do it well.

“As Irish As Not Wanting To Cause A Fuss”

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In this witty television advertisement it shows the relatable disastrous BBQ where something is always wrong. But of course with the Irish, WE DON’T WANT TO CAUSE A FUSS. Everyone can relate to the character in an awkward situation acting as if nothing bad is going on! The acting is great, the characters are hilarious and the dialog is perfect. This Irish advert has been taken down in my notepad as one of my favourites.



This advertisement shows just how much purchasing power a person would have if they were to win the EuroMilllions draw. This exotic island shows Irish culture throughout and is filled with humour. There are locals enjoying hurling, pints and TAYTO SANDWICHES!

“Big Enough To Go Island Shopping”

I will say this – It works. I mean, who doesn’t want an island? I’m off to buy a EuroMillions ticket. Catch you guys later, PEACE OUT.


3 Brands that are Great on Twitter


Twitter has been engraved into history as one of the best ways to socialise online, and for many years it has become a platform for brands to communicate and have fun with their customers/fans. The following three brands are ones who I think do just that, and do it GREAT. With each brand I’ll show one aspect of why they do well.

1.Cadbury Ireland 45k Followers



EVERYONE knows that Cadbury ad with the gorilla playing the drums, and I mean EVERYONE. Okay, maybe you haven’t.. I feel sorry for you so I’ll do you a solid and show you here.
Alright, Cadbury’s are great on the television but what have they done on Twitter that has made them deserve a spot in Pearse’s hall of fame. Well, many things. Firstly they INTERACT with their fans. What fan doesn’t want to be featured on their favourite brands page? I’d only love it! Well, @CadburyIreland regularly retweet fans’ pictures of themselves with their delicious cadbury products which is first-class stuff.

Amanda’s Post

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One can only dream of having their toes posted online to 45k people..

2.Oreo Cookie 822k Followers


-Having Fun with Current Events

Here, I’ll show you how @Oreo used creativity along with the Halloween season to make a short video using an Oreo cookie. Taking inspiration from the movie “The Shining”, Oreo really pulled together a piece of Magic. Watch here

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I know, I know “Pearse this post was back in 2013!” But hey, A brilliant post is a brilliant post, and @Oreo still regularly update their page with swanky content. Recently they’ve run an imagination campaign where they show the rolling of an Oreo cookie opening up a creative world rather than the world at first glance. I look forward to see what kind of content they’ll have for Christmas.. to early to mention Christmas? Nope, never too early!

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Oreo’s post

3. Ben & Jerry’s 320k Followers


-Showing Compassion

Ben & Jerry’s is a brand that is very well known for showing it’s fairness and decency, and on twitter it’s the same story. Their current pinned tweet shows that they care not only about how their product impacts lives, but how outside events impact life.


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5 Tips to Improve Your Facebook Page

1. Ensure your Facebook page is a business page and not a friend account. This feels less professional so make sure you avoid this! Take Desire Nailsnbeauty’s page for example, it would be much better as a page rather than a friend account.

Desire Nailsnbeauty Facebook Page

2. Ensure your profile picture identifies the brand of your organisation. Coca Cola is a page that uses the profile picture correctly. Their simple, well known logo tells someone what page it is at a glance. Absolutely Vital! Now I think its time for a Coke..

Coca-Cola Profile Picture

3. Contact details are crucial for a good Facebook page. How can someone get in contact with you if you don’t have CONTACT DETAILS.. Here is Franciscan Well Brewery’s page showing how to get into contact with them very easily. Facebook pages who don’t have their address listed will simply frustrate their potential customers.

Franciscan Well Brew Pub About Section

4. Always reply to fans/consumers. Social media is a two way conversation, so get interacting! Here, Centra Ireland doesn’t even acknowledge the lovely Fergus Farragher as he tries to interact, showing his lovely meal which i assume he bought from Centra! This is very bad from Centra’s view as they now come across as a company who doesn’t care about the customers outside the shop itself.

Centra Ireland Facebook

5. Use humor! Social media is a fun platform for users to enjoy themselves. If a user enjoys the content of your page they  will interact and visit more. Here’s Paddy power’s Facebook page where they use humor mixed with the sport (golf) that is currently in the news. Here’s a link to their page, I’m sure you’ll find something on there that’ll make you chuckle.. Paddy Power

Paddy Power’s Post

About Pearse O’Dwyer


Hi everyone, I am a second year student studying marketing in CIT. I like to think of myself as outgoing and adventurous. I love outdoor sports such as mountain biking, hiking and running with my dogs wherever I can. I try not to take life too serious but that outlook doesn’t always work. I live in Tipperary out in the countryside so there isn’t a lot going on out there. I like to be as creative as I can in everything I do. I always try to see if things can be done differently and try not to go with the crowd.

Professionally, I take pride in what I do and like working hard. I was born into a hard working family and I plan to keep that same mindframe. At the moment I am woking in my family’s fast moving, pressure ridden hardware&electrical shop, O’Dwyer Bros. I really admire great marketing from companies such as PaddyPower who aren’t afraid to do things differently by being controversial and fun. I also run a men’s style page on Instagram as a hobbie: mens_style_pod.